Thygesen Contest 2023 – Kindness Is Cool

Thygesen Contest 2023 - Kindness Is Cool

With Thygesen’s total cash prize value of up to 99 million VND + YouSafe’s gift set valued at 32 million VND, along with Gan Jing World’s attractive prize of up to 25,000 USD, there are plenty of exciting prizes and gifts waiting for you! Especially, the contest is not only for Thygesen’s current employees but also for former Thygeseners, individuals working at partner organizations, suppliers, customers of Thygesen, and beloved family members of Thygesen’s staff who appreciate Thygesen’s culture and people.

Let’s join us in spreading beautiful values! Stay up-to-date with all the contest updates at:

Contest Guidelines & Rules


  • Current Thygeseners: All employees presently working at Thygesen’s head office and factories are eligible to participate in the contest.
  • Former Thygeseners who have previously worked at Thygesen, regardless of the duration of their employment or contract type.
  • Individuals from partner organizations, suppliers, customers of Thygesen, and family members of Thygeseners who appreciate Thygesen’s culture
    and values.
  • Individuals who are Thygesen employees and their relatives can participate as individuals or as part of a group.

Entry Submission

  • Participants can submit their entries in various creative formats, such as: written essays, poems, short stories, music compositions, artwork, video clips, short films, and more. These submissions must adhere to the provided content framework and are presented in video format. Video entries should be longer than 30 seconds.
  • The content frame may include :

– Stories of kindness and generosity witnessed at Thygesen.

– Stories of kindness and generosity of Thygeseners, including former employees.

– Expressing your gratitude for the help, kindness, and generosity received from Thygesen and/or Thygeseners.

– Your appreciation of Thygesen’s meaningful initiatives as well as the environment, culture and people associated with the company.

  • The entries must be original works and have never been published. They should not be copied or repurposed from other platforms. Entries can be submitted by individuals or teams. Participants can submit unlimited entries during the event, however, only one (1) entry per participant/group will be considered for one (1) prize of Thygesen award.

Contest Entry Guidelines

  • Authors must have an account on the Gan Jing World social media platform.
  • Contest entries must be directly uploaded to the Gan Jing World platform on the author’s personal profile. Entries should consist of a video clip and a written description from the author to share his/her feelings and thoughts .
  • Entries must be submitted with three hashtags: #KindnessIsCool, #ThygesenKindness, and #Longtotthattuyet.
  • The entries of Thygesen employees should include the hashtag #Thygeseners.
  • For group entries, please include the group name as a hashtag, as follows:
Team Hanoi Head Office:
Team Yen Lap Factory No.2:
Team TKV Knitting Workshop: #ThygesenTKVTeam Yen Lap Factory No.3:
Team Hung Yen Sewing Workshop: #ThygesenHYTeam Thygeseners’s Family and Friends
(over 18 years old): #ThygesenSupporter
Team Yen Lap Factory No.1: #ThygesenTSV1Team Thygeseners’s Family and Friends
(under 18 years old): #ThygesenSupporterKid

After uploading their entry to Gan Jing World as per the provided structure, authors should send an email to Thygesen with the following format:

– Title of the Entry:
– Link to the Entry on Gan Jing World:
– Author’s Name/Authoring Team:
– Contact Information of the Author/Authoring Team:
– Team/Group Name (if applicable):

Valid entries should be of high video quality, have a duration >30 seconds, and get 100+ likes to be qualified. Submission deadline: December 31, 2023.

Email for Submission: [email protected].


Individual Awards

Award ThemesQuantityJudging CriteriaPrize
1st Prize for Impression01Judges vote for videos with meaningful and high-quality contentCash prize of 05 million VND + YouSafe gift set worth 2 million VND
1st Prize for Spreading01Final points combined from likes, shares, and commentsCash prize of 05 million VND + YouSafe gift set worth 2 million VND
2nd Prize05Final points combined from likes, shares, and commentsCash prize of 03 million VND + YouSafe gift set worth 1 million VND
3rd Prize08Final points combined from likes, shares, and commentsCash prize of 02 million VND + YouSafe gift set worth 1 million VND
Consolation Prize30Final points combined from likes, shares, and commentsCash prize of 01 million VND + YouSafe gift set worth 500,000 VND

Conversion of Interaction Points:

  • 1 like or positive interaction = 1 point
  • 1 positive comment = 2 points
  • 1 share = 3 points

Group Awards

Applicable to Thygesen business units and Thygeseners’ family and friends, including 08 teams: Hanoi Head Office, TKV, TSV, TSV3, and Thygesen-Supporter

Team Hanoi Head Office:
Team Yen Lap Factory No.2:
Team TKV Knitting Workshop: #ThygesenTKVTeam Yen Lap Factory No.3:
Team Hung Yen Sewing Workshop: #ThygesenHYTeam Thygeseners’s Family and Friends
(over 18 years old): #ThygesenSupporter
Team Yen Lap Factory No.1: #ThygesenTSV1Team Thygeseners’s Family and Friends
(under 18 years old): #ThygesenSupporterKid
1st Prize01The team with a minimum of 05 eligible contest videos and a total team score of at least 500 points will be considered for the group prize. Final points: + Number of contest participants (counted by the number of channels with at least 1 eligible contest video): 1 participant = 5 points. + Number of contest videos: 1 eligible video = 5 points. + Total interaction points from all eligible contest videos: •1 like or positive interaction = 1 point1 positive comment = 2 points1 share = 3 pointsCash prize worth 10 million VND
2nd Prize01Cash prize worth 05 million VND
3rd Prize01Cash prize worth 03 million VND
Consolation Prize05Cash prize worth 02 million VND

Gan Jing World Awards

Individual Awards

A. Creativity Awards

Bring kindness to life through your creativity, special talent, or kindness in action

Prize: $10,000 (1 winner)

Submit with the hashtag: #KindnessIsCool

B. Kindness Appreciation Award

Show appreciation or say thank you to a kind person, or nominate an act of kindness.

$1,000 (5 winners)

Submit with the hashtag: #KindnessIsCool #KindnessAppreciation

C. Kindness Smiles Shorts Award Take a short-form video (>10 seconds) of smiling faces with the latest GJW Mobile App using the #KindnessSmiles special effect.

Prize: $500 (10 Winners)

Submit with the hashtag: #KindnessIsCool #KindnessSmiles

Group Awards

Schools, companies, organizations and teams can participate with their Gan Jing World channels by uploading five (5) or more kindness videos.

All three themes for Individual Prizes (Smiles, Appreciation, Creativity) are eligible to enter the Group Award. Group prize entries can also win an individual prize.
One (1) channel will be selected as winner based on the number of participants and quality of entries submitted.

Prize: $5,000 (1 winner)

Submit with the hashtag: #KindnessIsCool #KindnessTogether

For further information, please refer to:

Contest Timeline

Start Date: October 30, 2023

Entries Submission Deadline: December 31, 2023

Voting Ends: January 20, 2024. No further interactions (likes, shares, comments) will count for final points after this time.

Announcement of Thygesen Awards: February 03, 2024 (Thygesen’ Year-End Party)

Announcement of GanJingWorld Awards: February 01, 2024

Here are some interesting notes

  • The KindnessIsCool Video Awards are international recognition given to content creators on the online social media platform, Gan Jing World. This contest is open to anyone interested in participating (refer: )
  • “Gan Jing” comes from Chinese, meaning “clean” in English. Gan Jing World is an online platform with a mission to create a genuinely positive and vibrant digital community that is free from violence, explicit material, criminal intent, or harmful content. Gan Jing World strives to revive traditional connections, nurture a culture of care, kindness, mutual respect, and trust among individuals, families, and society as a whole. (refer: )
  • “Thygesen&Me – Kindness is Cool” contest from Thygesen Textile Vietnam is an annual creative competition for Thygesen employees. Thygesen has chosen to partner with the KindnessIsCool Video Awards by Gan Jing World to spread beautiful messages together and allow participants to take part in two contests simultaneously.
  • Thygesen is dedicated to spreading positive values to the community and continuously improving itself based on its five cultural values: Truthfulness, Compassion, Kindness, Commitment, and Persistence. By partnering with the KindnessIsCool Awards, Thygesen aims to show support for the ideology that Gan Jing World is pursuing.

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